Question: AM

Answer: Area Manager

Question: ASCM

Answer: Assistant Service Center Manager

Question: BYS

Answer: Before You Start (Training Period)

Question: Bottomside

Answer: Refers to the services performed underneath the vehicle. Working bottom-side includes duties such as lubricating necessary components of the chassis/drive-line, draining the oil form the manual transmission, and front differential/trans-axle.

Question: Call outs

Answer: The way we communicate during the services/ Tells others where you are in the course of the service, keeps others safe, and verifies products used and services complete. Call outs must be performed loudly and clearly.

Question: CSR

Answer: The role of Customer Service Representative. The person fulfilling this role would handle the duties of oil presentation, extra services presentations, as well as maintaining the customer information in the POS and receiving payment.

Question: DOP

Answer: Dollars Over Posted. Average ticket amount for a store minus the conventional oil change price for that store/ DOP is a measure of how well a store sells additional services and premium oils.

Question: EH&S

Answer: Environmental Health & Safety. Deals with employee safety, environmental and safety compliance.

Question: MM

Answer: Market Manager

Question: MWYT

Answer: Meet With Your Trainer (Training Term)