Question: Identify to whom Article 9 applies

Answer: Article 9 was written to address both individual rights and the use of behavioral methods within DDD services

Question: who must follow Article 9?


Question: Identify 5 positive teaching techniques and strategies


Question: What is PBS?

Answer: Seek to support, not control
Behavior = Communication
Get to know the person and apply what you know
Commit to motivating the individual without using negative consequences

Question: Rights that A9 supports?

Answer: confidentiality, consent, presumption of legal competency, right to participate in the planning process, right to live in the least restrictive environment, right to withdraw from services

Question: define implicit rights

Answer: assumed for each person and aren’t usually written. We are all born with “implicit” rights.

Question: define explicit rights

Answer: Ones that have been clearly spelled out (in other words, “explained”) in writing or granted specifically. They are laws.

Question: define abuse

Answer: Doing something that you are not supposed to do
Physical (including sexual):
-Using a prohibited “red light” technique
-Using a “yellow light” technique without approval
of the Program Review Committee (PRC)

Question: define neglect

Answer: NOT doing something that you are supposed to do
Lack of attention to physical needs:
-Failure to report medical problems or change in
-Sleeping on duty or abandoning shift
-Failure to follow prescribed treatment plan

Question: Green Light positive techniques
